Otterburn and death James Douglas, 2nd Earl of Douglas

near contemporary depiction of battle of otterburn

captured pennon of hotspur

invasion of england

in 1388 richard ii had domestic troubles recalcitrant barons , occupied far south, , time seemed right invasion avenge destruction of 1385.

the scots, following agreement made between nobility @ aberdeen, mustered @ jedburgh in august, including levies of earls of fife, march, moray , of archibald grim. upon finding english spy, english warden percy aware of muster, , planning counter strike, scots command decided split army, fife leading main body cumberland, while smaller mounted force under douglas go east , despoil northumberland.

douglas force entered england through redesdale , proceeded south brancepeth laying waste countryside. there turned east encircle newcastle.

newcastle held northumberland s sons, sir henry percy, known hotspur , , brother sir ralph percy. northumberland himself remained @ alnwick castle, hoping outflank douglas should attempt return scotland.

the scots, without siege equipment invest castle, encamped around it. week followed saw constant skirmishes , challenges single combat between 2 sides, culminated when douglas challenged hotspur duel. in ensuing joust douglas felled hotspur , able capture pennon. according froissart, douglas announced carry [the pennon] scotland , hoist on tower, may seen afar , hotspur retorted god! never leave northumberland alive that.

battle of otterburn

wounded douglass in battle field

the following day scots struck camp , marched ponteland destroyed castle, , on otterburn 30 miles newcastle, douglas appeared tarrying see whether hotspur react.

douglas chose encampment in wood eye protect force english archery. on evening of 5 august, percies surprised scots , bloody moonlit battle ensued. douglas mortally wounded during fight, because of confusion of fighting in darkness fact not transmitted men carried on battle. froissart gives account in detail of various individuals wounded, captured or killed, known scots won encounter taking hotspur , many others prisoner. douglas body found on field following day. scots, albeit saddened loss of leader, heartened enough victory, frighten off english reinforcements led walter skirlaw, bishop of durham following day.

douglas body removed across border , interred @ melrose abbey.

the battle, narrated jean froissart, forms basis of english , scottish ballads ballad of chevy chase , battle of otterburn.


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