Critics Martin Rapaport

1 critics

1.1 african people s solidarity committee
1.2 charles wyndham
1.3 chaim even-zohar

african people s solidarity committee

groups such african people s solidarity committee, protested @ 2007 rapaport international diamond conference in new york, diamonds blood diamonds , rapaport s efforts artisanal miners nothing more public relations ploy:

the african people s solidarity committee rejects public relations ploy. calling nothing less of africa s resources under control of african working class itself. africa richest continent on earth. africans don t need charity; need control on own land.

charles wyndham

charles wyndham, owner of polishedprices, rapaport s main competitor in diamond pricing, critical of martin rapaport s prices , personality, referring him boney , comparison napoleon bonaparte. wyndham refers martin rapaport weekly, , criticizes diamond prices being low, having flawed or arbitrary methodology or wyndham s own prices. has accused rapaport of having monopoly on diamond grading gia.

chaim even-zohar

chaim even-zohar, analyst, diamond industry news rival rapaport s own rapaport news, frequent critic of martin rapaport. even-zohar singled martin out in editorial corruption scandal within gemological institute of america (gia), graders caught giving pair of diamond earrings intended saudi royal higher grade warranted.

even-zohar made note of rapaport s silence in case, noting close relationship rapaport has laboratory, , exclusive access customers (diamond traders use rapaport s rapnet trading platform) enjoy lab consequence. chaim even-zohar went far martin rapaport s silence case hypocritical, , undermined credibility of trade publications, in light of him being outspoken proponent of transparency.

no other trade publication has ever said promoter of free, fair, honest, etc. rapaport now? answer obvious. rapaport group conflicted—its involvement gia makes impossible play self-imposed , self-declared role of promoting honest , competitive diamond markets. martin knows that, economically, corruption , bribing patently anti-competitive practices. no decent company can compete other companies enjoy benefit of fraudulent income or advantages.

martin genuinely concerned these issues—in africa, in europe. in new york, keeps quiet. not 1 passionate editorial against bribers , corruption in new york or @ gia. 1 new york manufacturer wondered, in bed gia can t come out news them?� not 1 word.


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