Plot Robot Stories

1 plot

1.1 robot baby
1.2 robot fixer
1.3 machine love
1.4 clay


the film divided 4 short stories:

my robot baby

a young marcia hides in closet parents fighting due mistake has made. marcia apologizes when mother finds in closet; mother tells marcia never fall in love, married, , have children. twenty-five years later, marcia married ray , looking towards adopting child. after going adoption clinic, apply adoption trial take care of robotic baby before can adopt human child. marcia begins struggle when alone take care of robot baby, becomes flustered when baby cries. marcia brings robot baby father, handyman, , sees if can tamper electronics of robot. however, marcia’s father worries doctors of adoption clinic detect alteration of robot. nonetheless, marcia persists on getting baby reprogrammed , leaves baby father while marcia goes work. marcia comes home robot baby automated, attempts talk baby. however, robot baby goes berserk , attacks marcia. marcia finds robot baby in closet, remembers young self hiding in closet own mother angry. marcia cries , able hug robot baby, finding closure past.

the robot fixer

bernice witnesses son, wilson, in severe accident left him in coma. upset, heads wilson s apartment , cleans place daughter, grace. bernice finds wilson s old toy robot collection , attempts find missing parts through yard sales , hobby shops. throughout search, bernice remembers flashbacks of how little knows of wilson, young wilson play robot toys , not hear bernice s callings. bernice learns wilson inevitably die, bernice scrambles find last, missing piece of robot collection, find @ hobby shop, not sale. steals , runs away, find out lost piece escaping. however, grace meets , comforts bernice bernice found closure needed between bernice , son.

machine love

an office worker android, archie, arrives @ workplace computer work. attempts make acquaintance people in office workplace, rejected , shunned because robot. bob, technician in charge of archie, forgets turn off archie 1 night, letting him wander empty office complex after finishes work. spots office worker android across street , stares @ night. becomes reoccurring event archie, bob keeps forgetting turn off archie. morning arrives, workers angry archie not doing work low on power. bob forced turn archie off, archie signals bob wants meet other office worker android across street. 2 robots meet, talk each other , interact in sexual manner.


john, old sculptor, told has 1 year left live. doctors have recommended him merge consciousness digital world can live forever. goes home , talks life expectancy wife (who has died in past , virtual hologram). following day, john s son asks him merge consciousness in order john assist him, john refuses wants keep using physical senses make sculptures. john visits wife in virtual space ask is, responds multiple locations. john, unable accept life after death through virtual reality, dies.


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