Photocontact dermatitis Contact dermatitis

sometimes termed photoaggravated , , divided 2 categories, phototoxic , photoallergic, pcd eczematous condition triggered interaction between otherwise unharmful or less harmful substance on skin , ultraviolet light (320–400 nm uva) (escd 2006), therefore manifesting in regions sufferer has been exposed such rays.

without presence of these rays, photosensitiser not harmful. reason, form of contact dermatitis associated areas of skin left uncovered clothing, , can soundly defeated avoiding exposure sunlight. mechanism of action varies toxin toxin, due production of photoproduct. toxins associated pcd include psoralens. psoralens in fact used therapeutically treatment of psoriasis, eczema, , vitiligo.

photocontact dermatitis condition in distinction between forms of contact dermatitis not clear-cut. immunological mechanisms can play part, causing response similar acd.


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