People and partners Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy

1 people , partners

1.1 faculty researchers , staff
1.2 faculty advisors
1.3 research affiliates
1.4 partners

people , partners
faculty researchers , staff

daniel c. esty, director
kit kennedy, director, environmental law clinic
benjamin cashore, affiliated faculty, environmental governance
bradford s. gentry, principal investigator, private international finance , environment project
ysella yoder, program manager
susanne stahl, communications associate
john emerson, affiliated faculty, environmental performance measurement
william dornbos, associate director
maria ivanova, project director, global environmental governance project
anthony leisrowitz, affiliated research scientist, environmental attitudes , behavior

faculty advisors

mark ashton, professor of silviculture & forest ecology, school of forestry & environmental studies
robert bailis, assistant professor of environmental social science, school of forestry & environmental studies
michelle bell, assistant professor of environmental health, school of forestry & environmental studies, chemical engineering
gaboury benoit, professor of environmental chemistry, school of forestry & environmental studies; professor of environmental engineering
jonathan borak, associate clinical professor of medicine , public health director, yale interdisciplinary risk assessment forum
marian chertow, assistant professor of industrial environmental management, school of forestry & environmental studies
william ellis, senior visiting fellow, school of forestry & environmental studies
thomas graedel, clifton r. musser professor of industrial ecology, school of forestry & environmental studies; professor of chemical engineering; professor of geology , geophysics
arnulf grĂ¼bler, professor of field of energy , technology, school of forestry & environmental studies
dan kahan, elizabeth k. dollard professor of law @ yale law school
doug kysar, professor of law, yale university
xuhui lee, professor of forestry , biometeorology, school of forestry & environmental studies
reid lifset, associate director of industrial environmental management program , editor of journal of industrial ecology, school of forestry & environmental studies
erin mansur, assistant professor of environmental economics, school of forestry & environmental studies , school of management
robert mendelsohn, edwin weyerhaeuser davis professor of forest policy , economics, school of forestry & environmental studies , school of management
sheila olmstead, assistant professor of environmental economics, school of forestry & environmental studies
peter raymond, assistant professor, school of forestry & environmental studies
oswald schmitz, professor of population , community ecology, school of forestry & environmental studies; professor of ecology , evolutionary biology
david skelly, professor of ecology, school of forestry & environmental studies; professor of ecology , evolutionary biology
gus speth, dean , professor in practice of sustainable development, school of forestry & environmental studies
simon tay, visiting associate professor, school of forestry & environmental studies
john wargo, professor of environmental risk analysis , policy, school of forestry & environmental studies

research affiliates

sybil ackerman, executive director, lazar foundation
monica araya, office of vice chairman @ climate change capital
james cameron, vice chairman, climate change capital
emil frankel, director of transportation policy, bipartisan policy center
achim alexander halpaap,, ma director, unitar/yale environment , democracy project
harri kalimo, professor, institute european studies
sascha mueller-kraenner, vice-chairman, ecologic institute
tanja srebotnjak, senior fellow, ecologic institute
andrew winston, founder, winston eco-strategies


center business , environment @ yale
center international earth science information network, columbia university
the college of william , mary
renewable energy , international law project
united nations institute training , research
vermont law school
yale center study of globalization
yale project on climate change


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