Classification Rickettsia
1 classification
1.1 spotted fever group
1.2 typhus group
1.3 scrub typhus group
the classification of rickettsia 2 groups (spotted fever, typhus, , scrub typhus) based on serology. grouping has since been confirmed dna sequencing. 3 of these contain human pathogens. scrub typhus group has been reclassified related new genus – orientia – many medical textbooks still list group under rickettsial diseases.
rickettsia more widespread believed , known associated arthropods, leeches, , protists. divisions have been identified in spotted fever group , group should divided 2 clades. arthropod-inhabiting rickettsiae associated reproductive manipulation (such parthenogenesis) persist in host lineage
in march 2010, swedish researchers reported case of bacterial meningitis in woman caused rickettsia helvetica thought harmless.
spotted fever group
rickettsia rickettsii (western hemisphere)
rocky mountain spotted fever
rickettsia akari (usa, former soviet union)
rickettsia conorii (mediterranean countries, africa, southwest asia, india)
boutonneuse fever
rickettsia sibirica (siberia, mongolia, northern china)
siberian tick typhus or north asian tick typhus
rickettsia australis (australia)
australian tick typhus
rickettsia felis (north , south america, southern europe, australia)
flea-borne spotted fever
rickettsia japonica (japan)
oriental spotted fever
rickettsia africae (south africa)
african tick bite fever
rickettsia hoogstraalii (croatia, spain , georgia usa)
unknown pathogenicity
typhus group
rickettsia prowazekii (worldwide)
epidemic typhus, recrudescent typhus, , sporadic typhus
rickettsia typhi (worldwide)
murine typhus (endemic typhus)
scrub typhus group
the causative agent of scrub typhus formerly known r. tsutsugamushi has been reclassified genus orientia.
^ gillespie j.j.; beeir m.s.; rahman m.s.; ammerman n.c.; shallom j.m.; purkayastha a.; sobral b.s.; azad a.f. (2007). plasmids , rickettsial evolution: insight rickettsia felis . plos one. 2 (3): e266. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000266. pmc 1800911 . pmid 17342200. .
^ perlman, s.j.; hunter, m.s.; zchori-fein, e. (2006). emerging diversity of rickettsia . proceedings of royal society b: biological sciences. 273 (1598): 2097–2106. doi:10.1098/rspb.2006.3541. pmc 1635513 . pmid 16901827.
^ rickettsia helvetica in patient meningitis, sweden, 2006 emerging infectious diseases, volume 16, number 3 - march 2010
^ ferla, m. p.; thrash, j. c.; giovannoni, s. j.; patrick, w. m. (2013). new rrna gene-based phylogenies of alphaproteobacteria provide perspective on major groups, mitochondrial ancestry , phylogenetic instability . plos one. 8 (12): e83383. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0083383. pmc 3859672 . pmid 24349502.
^ duh, d., v. punda-polic, t. avsic-zupanc, d. bouyer, d.h. walker, v.l. popov, m. jelovsek, m. gracner, t. trilar, n. bradaric, t.j. kurtti , j. strus. (2010) rickettsia hoogstraalii sp. nov., isolated hard- , soft-bodied ticks. international journal of systematic , evolutionary microbiology, 60, 977-984;, accessed 16 july 2010.
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